



歡迎加我的line: wishhope819



A splendid good evening to our district officers, my fellow toastmasters and guest! Good evening.

Today I am delivering my last speech as Club President of Young Toastmasters. Last July, I was installed as the President of Young Toastmasters Club. In my speech, I said that my vision for Young Toastmasters is to create good learning experiences, good memories, and good relationships. Do you feel I tried my best during this term? (Yes)


I would like to thank everyone for the support and encouragement throughout the year. Thank you to all my officers and experienced members who worked tirelessly to ensure that the experience of members and guests was positive. This is my first term to take the role as a club president, I don’t know what kind of question I should ask at the very beginning. There are many thanks to different people but in my mind In Young Toastmaster Club, I really appreciate Celia’s time and patient to solve my questions. I also appreciate Amy’s suggestion for some decision making. Of course, I also appreciate officers’ proactive support. Last but not least, previous president David Ou and Founding president Tension Wu also replied me many answers by Line messages when they are free.


This is a very engaging role that involves organizing meeting or activities and helping fellow members to advance through their manuals. Regularly getting in touch with members and guests and organizing meeting roles is quite challenging but certainly it did improve my management and people skills. I’m very thankful to my fellow members and support they have given and also, I’m quite impressed with our clubs’ support to let young members rise and take leadership.


I found YoungToastmasters club a very welcoming place to not only improve public speaking and leadership skills, but also an excellent productive environment to socialize and meet new people and exchange life experiences and learn new things. We are always open for guests to visit our meetings. As we have members coming from various backgrounds we have so many interesting speeches.


I am sorry that I am not a perfect president. This is my first time to lead a team after graduating university.

I think I need to say “No, I can’t” when I need to have a surgery last July.

I think I need to say “No, I can’t” when many members wanted to leave the club.

I think I need to say “No, I can’t” when I am not sure what I can gain from CL program.

If I really say “No, I can’t”, I would lose an opportunity to improve myself.

I am glad I finally finish the term. During this term, different events make me discover myself, understand myself, accept myself. Through preparing speeches, I have more time to prepare in advance. However, I cannot practice interpersonal communication by myself.

Sorry- if I unconsciously offended you.

Sorry- if I gave you additional pressure.

Sorry- if I told you directly where you offended me.


My message to the Incoming Club President and YTC teamis this:

By working together as a team, I strongly believe you will perform even better than this current team and bring our club to a greater height. Stretch yourselves and you will be pleasantly surprised – Go for President’s Distinguished Club.


Finally, I want to say“Be the best that you can be and make a difference.”

Also, Do not give up no matter what.


It has been my PLEASURE to serve you!

Toastmaster of the Day"


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